Powering Startups: EvenFi's PaaS and Club Deal for Incubators and Accelerators

December 20, 2023
5 minutes

In the fast-paced world of startups, incubators and accelerators are essential hubs of innovation, driving new ventures towards success. As these entities seek more dynamic and efficient ways to support their resident companies, EvenFi introduces its Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Club Deal solutions, perfectly adapted for the unique challenges of nurturing budding businesses.

The Promise of PaaS and Club Deal for Startup Ecosystems:

EvenFi recognizes the two-fold challenge faced by incubators: providing a seamless route for the community of investors to engage in private deals and delivering an intuitive platform for tracking startup performance. Our PaaS and Club Deal offerings promise to bring these elements together in a cohesive, easily navigable digital environment.

Creating Private Deals with EvenFi Club Deal:

The Club Deal platform from EvenFi offers a branded, dedicated space for incubators, enabling investors to access private deals swiftly with a user interface that reflects the incubator’s brand identity. This facilitates greater engagement and transparency, allowing investors to have a complete dashboard of the startups they have backed, with detailed updates at their fingertips.

Turnkey Solutions with Custom Branding:

With EvenFi’s Club Deal, incubators gain more than just a platform; they receive a complete, turnkey solution under their brand and domain. This branded platform can be seamlessly integrated into the incubator's existing website, offering investors a comprehensive and tailor-made investment solution.

How EvenFi Benefits Your Startup Incubator:

  1. Streamlined Operations: Our platform simplifies the management of investment processes, allowing your team to dedicate more time to mentorship and business development.
  2. Digital Process Means Zero Bureaucracy: The digitalization of investment and management processes eradicates unnecessary paperwork and administrative tasks, increasing efficiency.
  3. Diverse Financial Products at Your Disposal: Whether offering equity, convertible notes, or loans, you have the flexibility to support the diverse needs of the startups within your ecosystem.
  4. New Revenue Streams: Monetize your platform by leveraging EvenFi's technology to facilitate financial transactions and gain a share of the revenue from successful deals.

Success Stories and Proven Track Record:

EvenFi stands on the firm ground of operational success with a crowdlending platform that has successfully financed hundreds of projects, raising millions from retail investors. This track record speaks volumes about the reliability and scalability of EvenFi’s platform.


For incubators and accelerators looking to elevate their offerings and enhance investor experience, EvenFi's PaaS and Club Deal are transformative tools at the ready. With EvenFi, you can enable your startup community to grow exponentially and help your investors make more informed, impactful investment decisions.

If you’re at the helm of a startup incubator or accelerator and are eager to streamline your investment process, schedule a free demo or contact EvenFi for more information on our PaaS and Club Deal offerings. Take the first step towards equipping your startups with the resources they need for rapid growth.

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