The digital way
of raising capital for
real estate

The digital way
of raising capital for
funds & assets

The digital way
of raising capital for management

The digital way
of raising capital for
royalty ventures

The digital way
of raising capital for
green energy

The digital way
of raising capital for
lending institutions

The digital way
of raising capital for
public sector

The digital way
of raising capital for

Have your own platform,
automate your operations,
scale your business.
Real estate, royalty
and energy ventures
The challenge
Navigating the intricate landscape of property and energy projects can be daunting.
The investment in such assets often involves multiple stakeholders, regulatory hurdles and a need for transparent communication.
As the portfolio grows, scaling operations and managing multiple projects simultaneously adds another layer of complexity.
Our solution
EvenFi offers a streamlined platform tailored for real estate, energy and royalty projects.
From property listings to investor onboarding and fund distribution, we’ve got you covered.
For energy ventures and royalty distribution, our platform ensures sustainable financing and an autonomous and transparent channel with investors.
Key features
Your investor portal & marketplace
Have your own dedicated portal where investors can browse property listings, energy projects or royalty ventures. Offer detailed insights, showcase projected returns and facilitate smooth transactions.
Liquidity with Secondary Market
Offer your investors thw flexibility to trade their stakes. With our Secondary Market feature, investors can buy or sell their shares, providing liquidity and enhancing the attractiveness of your offerings.
Stay compilant with KYC/AML
Ensure all your investments adhere to regulations. Our platform automates KYC and AML checks, giving you peace of mind and a hassle-free compliance process..
Digital document management & eSigning
Streamline your documentation with digital generation and eSigning. Go paperless and accelerate real estate transactions and energy project agreements.
Funds & Asset management
The challenge
The asset management industry is rapidlyevolving, with a growing demand for diverse investment opportunities.
As fund managers diversify their portfolios, the challenge lies in efficiently managing multiple assets, ensuring compliance and providing a seamless experience for investors.
The sheer volume of transactions and the need for real-time data insights further complicate the process.
Our solution
With EvenFi you can effortlessly scale your operations, regardless of the volume or diversity of your assets.
Our platform provides tools to digitize financial catalogs, manage investor relations and optimize asset allocation.
Stay ahead of the curve by offering your investors a transparent and efficient platform to track their investments,
Key features
Your dedicated admin panel
Gain real-time insights into all your assets and transactions. Our admin panel provides a comprehensive overview, allowing you to make informed decisions and manage assets efficiently.
Efficient capital distribution
Ensure timely and accurate distribution of returns to your investors. Automate the entire process, from calculating returns to distributing them.
Tailored onboarding experience
Offer your investors a seamless onboarding process. With our platform, investors can autonomously complete their profiles, ensuring a smooth start to their investment journey.
Investor dashboard
Provide your investors with a comprehensive dashboard where they can gain insights into their investments, track performance and manage their portfolio, all in one place.
Discover EvenFi,
the platform that propels
your industry forward!
Lending institutions
The challenge
In the fast-paced world of lending, institutions face the challenge of efficiently processing loan applications, ensuring regulatory compliance and providing a seamless borrower experience.
As the demand for loans increases, institutions must scale their operations without compromising on speed or quality.
Our solution
EvenFi empowers lending institutions to revolutionize their lending processes.
Our platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to automate loan origination, manage borrower relations and ensure timely fund distribution, all while adhering to regulatory standards.
Key features
Automated loan origination
Streamline the entire loan origination process. From application to approval, automate steps to ensure faster processing and a better borrower experience.
Integrated payment management
Simplify the management of loan disbursements and repayments. Our platform offers tailored payment solutions to suit the unique needs of each lending institution.
Borrower onboarding & dashboard
Offer borrowers a user-frendly platform to apply for loans, track their application status and manage their loan details. Dashboard provides borrowers with a clear overview of their loan staus, payment schedules and more.
Regulatory compliance & KYC/AML
Stay compliant with industry regulations. Our platform ensures adherence to KYC and AML standards, providing peace of mind for lending institutions.
Banking & insurance
The challenge
In the digital age banks and insurance companies grapple with the challenge of seamlessly managing subscriptions and onboarding customers.
The expectation for a frictionless, digital-first experience is higher than ever and traditional methods no longer suffice.
Our solution
EvenFi provides banks and insurance companies with a platform that revolutionizes the way they manage subscriptions and onboard customers.
Our solution offers a seamless, digital-first experience, ensuring that customers can access services quickly, efficiently and securely.
Key features
Digital onboarding & KYC/AML
Simplify the customer journey with a seamless onboarding process. Integrated KYC and AML checks ensure that regulatory standards are met without compromising on user experience.
Subscription management
Efficiently manage and track customer subscriptions for investment products, insurancve and other offerings. Offer flexible subscription models and real-time monitoring.
Provide customers with secure eWallets for easy transactions, payments and fund management. Enhance user experience with instant access to funds and transaction history.
Admin dashboard
Equip your team with a comprehensive admin dashboard to oversee all operations, monitor customer activity and generate insightful reports.

Why EvenFi?

Seamless integration &
quick launch to market

Transitioning to EvenFi is a breeze. Our platform is designed for easy integration, ensuring you can quickly launch and start benefiting from our solutions without any hiccups. Getto market faster and stay ahead of the competition.

Dedicated support

Your success is our priority. Our dedicated team is always on hand to assits you, from the initial setup to any ongoing needs. With EvenFi, you're never alone; we're here to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Cutting-edge & robust technology

At the heart of EvenFi is our commitment to technological excellence. Our platform is built on state-of-the-art technology, ensuring high performance, security and scalability. Stay ahead with a platform that evolves with theindustry's needs.

Proven track record

Trust in our experience. EvenFi is the choice of industry leaders worldwide. Our platform has facilitated numerous seccessful capital raising and asset management ventures, showcasing our reliability and effectiveness.

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talk with an expert

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